Changes to some of the servers Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

well, if you haven’t noticed I recently adjusted some of the servers to 100tick, of course we had to drop the slots down to 24 from 32 because anything above that has serious issues with choke, packet loss and other random effects due to how the source netcode is based.

but I just wanted to see what your opinion towards it is compared to before when it was 66 tick and whatnot, as a sidenote if you have any suggestions for our servers please post them up, even suggest other games to host perhaps, whatever.

Posted by: in BoSS News.
We need more admins Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

I’ve been noticing some blank spots during the day and I feel we could use a few more admins to try and keep the servers hacker free, it isn’t a very difficult task for anybody to do, but finding the right people to fill the role is still a bit tricky.

if you’re interested just PM me or reply to this topic and we’ll try and sort you out.

Posted by: in BoSS News.